Tsitohery Justome François (Ricky)

TSITOHERY Justome François (Ricky) ty agnarako. Nianatse tamy Sacre-Cœur Toliara aho. Nanomboke tamy 2014 aho ty nilitse niara niasa amy projet MAP. Mpanao survey noho mpihaly lavake ty tena asako amy projet toy ato. Fa niasa tamy sites isankaraza’e – na amy toera malalake zay na agnate lava-bato – aho. Ankoatse’izay, magnampe amy fampitaha taolam-pia isan-karaza’e noho fanaova analyse vakivaky valagne tane avao koa aho.

English translation: Tsitohery Justome François (Ricky) went to Sacre-Coeur secondary school in Toliara. He then joined the MAP project in 2014 where he works as a surveyor and excavator for the project. Ricky has participated in different digs, including open-air and cave sites. In addition, he helps with analyzing pottery and fish bones.